Meet the DU Just Wages Contributors: Samantha McGinnis

Samantha McGinnis became involved in the DU Just Wages Project in Winter 2016 as a Masters of International Development student at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies. The project was a great fit for her regional focus in Latin America and her passion for human rights and equity. She supported the project with qualitative data analysis, policy analysis, and communications & fundraising. She continued to support Dr. Galemba’s Immigrant and Refugee Rights Colectivo with communications and program management support. Samantha continued to work to support access and equity through work designing educational programs for a women’s weaving association in Guatemala, fundraising and communications for Maia Impact School.

She completed her Masters at Korbel in 2018 and worked with Teach For America Colorado for four years developing program evaluation, data analysis systems, grant writing, and program design. She now has returned to her communication roots as the Senior Lifecycle Marketing Manager for Context Travel, a mission-based travel company which seeks to connect people to one another and our world through transformational tour experiences across the globe.